Acquisition Announcement: Crystal Lake Publishing
In 2021, I was thrilled that Crystal Lake Publishing chose to publish my dark fantasy weird western supernatural horror novel, I Have Asked To Be Where No Storms Come. The standalone novel will be released July 29, 2022 (coming really soon - cue excited and anxious Tyrannosaurus rex screech).
I started writing this new weird book in... egad, in 2014/2015 as a side project to procrastinate on my other book I was writing, Sharks of the Wasteland (Outland Entertainment, 2020). I think that's the only way I accomplish things. Procrastinating efficiently. It's a strange tome, focused personally on exploring what it means to be from somewhere with all the implications of the past, belonging to a place, and the diffusion and infusion of melding mythologies on creative influence. It's full of:
Witch brothers
Found Family
Ancient Goodess of Thunder and Lighting
Transformative Monster Powers
Wild West Prairie Magic
A Fractured USA
A Hellish Underworld
I recently finished up the edits and am looking at the daunting task of marketing... but the cover is gorgeous! My prose slants to the embellished, I'm in love with beautiful sentences and imagery, so this novel is a bit dense, but god, some of it feels like my best work to date. An official preorder link is on the way!