Sharks of the Wasteland On Sale NOw!
Sharks of the Wasteland released yesterday! Lots of positive pre-reviews are rolling in, which I read even though my editor told me to never read reviews, but I did anyway! September 1 was full of shark-stuff in celebration. I wore my whale-shark leggings. My puppy had her favorite hammerhead shark toy. There was a lot of love and support for the project, and even some social media buzz about the process behind creating the cover art, which made the day that much better.
For me, a book release is a stressful affair. It’s amazing to see your imagination-child bound and printed, but at the same time it also feels like you’ve put a piece of your inner soul on the shelf are willingly encouraging people to read and judge it. So much work has gone into the novel in the background where no one can see, and while it released today, the production of it has been going on for more than a year, so it is with immense relief and yet excitement that I see it on the shelves. I’m very proud of it. I hope you’ll take a moment and give it some love, too.
Here’s how things break down if you’d like to support the book and want to know the best way to do so:
Want to buy local? Call up your local bookstore. Ask them to order the book in for you. They’ll realize there is a market for the book and possibly order more for other interested customers.
Buy from the Outland Entertainment website. That’s our direct sale line. They get the most profit because there are no middle men involved! Yay!
Buy from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Scribd, or any other online retailer you prefer.
Check it out from your local library or on Hoopla! Even if you don't want to buy it, you can still read it and enjoy it! Seriously, as an author, that is still considered support.
Please leave a review! A couple of words can make my day. Thank you for your support!