Vote for The Falling Dawn in Cover Wars!
I'm excited to announce that my novel, The Falling Dawn, is a contestant in Author Shout's Cover Wars! The contest will be going until Sunday and ends at 8am/7C. You're able to vote every day for your favorite cover and the winner will be announced afterward! There's some great covers out there and I hope mine can stand out in the crowd.
Once the contest is concluded, I'll be giving away a free book to those who voted! Send a screenshot of your page after you vote to me through my website or social media pages, or tag me. After Sunday, I'll pull a name out of a hat and send the lucky winner a free book!
Here's the link where you can vote:
Why should you support The Falling Dawn beyond free books, you ask? Let me tell you:
The artwork was created by Shen Fei and the book was designed by Shawn King (both phenomenal professionals and wonderful people).
There's like, a mermaid man on the front, Aquaman lovers.
My publisher, Crossroad Press is full of some pretty cool people who release awesome books.
Oh yeah, FOR GLORY!